Hindenburg Journalist Pro, the multitrack editor made for audio storytellers


In episode 9, Allan Tépper discusses his favorite multitrack editor for audio storytellers, Hindenburg Journalist Pro. His remote guest —directly from Denmark— is Nick Dunkerley, Creative Director of Hindenburg. Get your free 90-day trial at BeyondPodcasting.com/hindenburg

They discuss the creation of the Hindenburg Journalist (Pro) program named in honor of the Hindenburg disaster, narrated by radio journalist Herbert Morrison the same day in 1937… and character Les Nessman’s (actor Richard Sanders’) homage to it in WKRP in Cincinnati’s Turkey’s Away episode. Then they cover in detail the unique features found in Hindenburg Journalist (Pro). Also see Allan Tépper’s Hindenburg articles in ProVideo Coalition magazine.

BeyondPodcasting resides on BeyondPodcasting.com and is produced, directed and edited by Allan Tépper.

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