AAC test bonus: Does this your device play this file?

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Many people are afraid that AAC may not be playable on all current players. Many people mistakenly believe that that letter A in AAC stands for Apple. That is incorrect. The AAC acronym stands for Advanced Audio Códec, without any mention of Apple in the name. Apple did not create it. Apple just likes it. AAC has been standardized by ISO and IEC, as part of the MPEG–2 and MPEG–4 specifications. AAC was released in 1997, 21 years ago as I write this. It’s worth it to take some time to test it and see the results. All Android versions from 2.3 and later support AAC. My Pixel XL phone has Android version 9, aka Android Pie. Are there any Android devices still in use that are older than version 2.3? If you know of any device that cannot play this file, please write to me via contact@BeyondPodcasting.com , including the device model and operating system.

By the way, this AAC file has 48 kHz audio sampling, as do all of my recent MP3 show episodes from BeyondPodcasting, CapicúaFM, Tu salud secreta and Tu radio global. See my article All audio production & distribution should go 48 kHz in ProVideo Coalition magazine.

Let’s see what we can discover together. See you at BeyondPodasting.com.

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